首页> 外文OA文献 >Scientific Opinion on the risk to plant health posed by Dothistroma septosporum (Dorog.) M. Morelet (Mycosphaerella pini E. Rostrup, syn. Scirrhia pini) and Dothistroma pini Hulbary to the EU territory with the identification and evaluation of risk reduction options

Scientific Opinion on the risk to plant health posed by Dothistroma septosporum (Dorog.) M. Morelet (Mycosphaerella pini E. Rostrup, syn. Scirrhia pini) and Dothistroma pini Hulbary to the EU territory with the identification and evaluation of risk reduction options

机译:科学的观点,认为该种对植物健康有危害,由Dothistroma septosporum(Dorog。)M. Morelet(Mycosphaerella pini E. Rostrup,syn。Scirrhia pini)和Dothistroma pini Hulbary对欧盟领土构成,并确定和评估了降低风险的选择



The Panel on Plant Health conducted a pest risk assessment for Scirrhia pini for the European Union (EU) territory, identified risk management options and evaluated their effectiveness. The risk assessment was conducted taking into account current EU legislation. The Panel also provided an opinion on the effectiveness of the present EU requirements against this organism listed in Council Directive 2000/29/EC. Considering that there has been taxonomic confusion over the pest mentioned in the EU plant health legislation, the assessment was carried out for Dothistroma septosporum (the anamorph of S. pini, the latter renamed to Mycosphaerella pini) and Dothistroma pini (teleomorph unknown), both of which cause Dothistroma needle blight. Three major pathways for entry were identified: host plants intended for planting/grafting (excluding fruit and seeds), natural means (wind, rain, wind-driven rain, etc.), and host plants and plant parts with foliage not intended for planting (e.g., fresh branches, cut Christmas trees, etc.); probability of entry was considered very likely, likely and unlikely, respectively, with high uncertainty. The establishment and further spread were both considered very likely. The current consequences were considered major and they include loss of wood volume, tree mortality, and losses in terms of landscape value, amenity value, recreational uses and tourism. The Panel concluded that introduction and spread of the two pests are not fully prevented by Council Directive 2000/29/EC, mainly because of the possibility to import and trade host plant material other than Pinus plants for planting. In order to prevent the potentially serious impacts in those parts of the risk assessment area where the pathogens are currently not known to occur, additional risk reduction options have been identified, in the form of simultaneous implementation of measures targeted at reducing the movement of infected host plants and the further spread of the pests by natural means
机译:植物健康专门委员会针对欧洲联盟(EU)领土的小脚茅进行了有害生物风险评估,确定了风险管理方案并评估了其有效性。进行风险评估时要考虑到当前的欧盟法规。专家组还就欧盟要求针对理事会指令2000/29 / EC中列出的这种生物的有效性提出了意见。考虑到欧盟植物健康立法中提到的有害生物存在分类学上的混淆,因此对齿sepDostotroma septosporum(S。pini的变体,后者重命名为Mycosphaerella pini)和Dothistroma pini(teleomorph未知)进行了评估。其中引起Dothistroma针枯萎病。确定了三个主要的进入途径:拟用于种植/嫁接的寄主植物(不包括水果和种子),自然手段(风,雨,风雨等),以及寄主植物和没有叶子的植物部位(例如,新鲜的树枝,砍下的圣诞树等);进入的可能性被认为具有高度不确定性的可能性很大,可能性很大,可能性很小。建立和进一步传播都被认为很有可能。当前的后果被认为是严重的,包括木材量的损失,树木的死亡率以及景观价值,舒适性价值,娱乐用途和旅游业的损失。专家小组得出结论,理事会第2000/29 / EC号指令并未完全防止两种有害生物的传入和传播,这主要是因为有可能进口和交易除种植松树植物以外的其他宿主植物材料。为了防止在目前尚不知道病原体的风险评估区域的那些部分中可能造成的严重影响,已经确定了其他降低风险的选择,以同时实施旨在减少受感染宿主移动的措施的形式植物和通过自然手段进一步传播有害生物



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